Connecting Buyers with Suppliers.

Simple. Relevant. Fast.

Get or provide instant pricing and availability for products and services in your specific industry.

Reduce purchasing overhead and direct costs with automatic, multi-supplier bidding.

Pick the best quote with one click and get quick and easy access to order status and tracking.



Drive cost and time out of your sales process.

Focus on building relationships and let Millworxx handle routine quoting, order processing and service functions.

Streamline your existing Buyers. Push a button and they can join your network.

Streamline your existing suppliers. With one click they can join your network.

Discover new Suppliers who will compete on price, availability, schedule and service.

Stop searching, surfing, browsing, calling, meeting. Get it done with a few clicks.



Discover and sell to new active Buyers, efficiently.

Simply drag and drop your catalogs, pricelists, datasheets and brochures into Millworxx to find even more Buyers looking for your products.

Stop throwing money at advertising, wasting time on Social Media and losing at SEO. Win real business with Millworxx.

Connect Millworxx to your back office systems for the ultimate in automation, pricing and lead time management.

Discover Buyers for your own products and services in a Millworxx marketplace.



Embed Millworxx technology in your own website and customer facing systems for the ultimate in automation.

Connect Millworxx to your back office systems to provide real time pricing and inventory automatically to your Buyers.